A quick evaluation of minerals and toxic metals in the palm of the hand. The technology is based on spectroscopy

What is Oligoscan
We bring science and innovation together
The OligoScan quickly and precisely measures the trace elements and heavy metals in your tissues.
Oligoscan uses high‑frequency light spectrophotometry to provide a precise analysis of the trace elements, minerals and heavy metals in your body. It analyzes 20 essential minerals and trace elements in the body, detecting deficiencies. It also measures the presence of 14 toxic heavy metals.
It is safe for all, including pregnant women. The Oligoscan procedure is simple, painless and non‑invasive.
A fully‑trained technician takes four photos from different points on the palm of your hand, using high‑frequency light spectrophotometry. No hair, tissue, blood or urine samples are required.
The body tries to keep levels of minerals and metals constant in the blood. It does this by moving them into and out of tissues. A blood test for minerals does not necessarily show levels in tissues (including organs). Urine tests measure what the body is capable of excreting. Hair tests measure levels weeks or even months ago.
Within seconds you will see your results on the computer screen. Your report will then be forwarded to you and/or your health practitioner. You get a comprehensive report instantly and an analysis of the results. Treatment and supplements can then be tailored based on your results.
drips and aesthetics
Who can benefit
New Families
Polluted Residents
Contaminated Farmers
People who have been exposed to fertilizers & chemical sprays on farms.
Those who eat out
People who predominately eat processed, packaged foods or fruits and vegetables that have been pre-ripened for transport to supermarkets.
Dental work
People with dental amalgams or those planning to have metal fillings removed.